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«Усложнять свою жизнь». Школьники из трех стран изучали Ригу, играя в журналистику
Директор Elme Messer Gaas: один резервуар кислорода обеспечит жизни трех людей
On November 7 and 10, 2016, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Riga Purvciems Secondary School in collaboration with the International Association of Experts in Children Education on High Technologies (IAECEHT) will pilot the educational game “Journalist. A Mirror of a Region” to engage secondary school students from Latvia, Finland and Estonia.
“We continue the study of the world around by way of learning about the functioning of different enterprises. As in previous game cycles, the pupils will get the opportunity to try their hands at journalism. Furthermore, the teenagers will learn about the economy and history of Latvia when visiting several organizations and museums”, reported the IAECEHT expert and one of the organizers of the event, Mikhail Epstein. With the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers (within the framework of “Nordplus Junior” programme), apart from Riga Purvciems Secondary School, the project engages The Finnish-Russian School of Eastern Finland and Tallinn Linnamae Russian Lyceum.
“Having conducted a series of the game in recent years, we have received the positive feedback”, says Mikhail Epstein.
In the first part of the game focused on the economy of the region, the amateur journalists will be able to get the insight of the operation of the leading Latvian businesses like Groglass, SAF Tehnika, Elme Messer L, Riga Universal Terminal and Skan-Tooling. The second part of the game would concentrate on the historical background. Therefore, the pupils will visit several most popular Riga museums: The Latvian Railway History Museum, The Latvian War Museum, Riga Motor Museum, Latvian National Museum of Art, Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation.
“The schoolchildren will work hard interviewing the organizations’ officials in order to get the necessary information and to come up with complete journalistic reports along with presentations illustrating the visited places within the limited time. Their works will be evaluated by the experienced journalists and the best works will later be published in the media”, outlines Epstein.
Moreover, press conferences following the first and the second game phases will be held for the participants. After the first stage, the participants will meet a businessman, a board member of Elme Messer L - Vadim Kjasilis; after the second stage, their questions will take a journalist, the founder of the “Open Library” and the representative of the Foundation for Joseph Brodsky Museum – Nikolay Solodnikov.
“It is important to give the youngsters an idea of different professions available for them after school graduation. The project provides opportunity for the students to try their hands at journalism, meanwhile, reflecting on the work of various enterprises and meeting the representatives of a broad range of professions. Besides, this is a perfect opportunity for teamwork”, Riga Purvciems Secondary School principal, Yuri Klyukin, concluded.
Project is implemented with financial support from the NordPlus Junior programme within the framework of the project “Educational Game “Journalist. A Mirror of a Region” (NPJR-2016/10369).